API References

Package main functions

arc3o.new_outputpath(log, outputpath, existing)

Create new folders to organize experiments

This function helps to organize different experiments

  • log (str) – 'yes' if you are starting a new experiment and want a new folder for it, 'no' if you want to continue an experiment and want to work in an existing folder

  • outputpath (str) – path where you want the folder to be/the folder is

  • existing (str) – if your folder exists already, just write the name here, if not you can write 'default'


new_dir – prints the directory you are working in now, if new it will have created the directory

Return type



This function transforms the date format given by MPI-ESM into a proper date format for xarray


input_data (xarray.Dataset) – the MPI-ESM xarray.Dataset with the original date format


input_data – the MPI-ESM xarray.Dataset with the new date format

Return type


arc3o.satsim_complete_1month(orig_data, freq_of_int, yyyy, mm, inputpath, outputpath, file_begin, file_end, timestep=6, write_mask='yes', write_profiles='yes', compute_memls='yes', e_bias_fyi=0.968, e_bias_myi=0.968, snow_emis=1, snow_dens=300.0)

Compute top-of-atmosphere brightness temperature for one single month.

This function is a subset of the full observation operator and should be used as ARC3O main function if you only want to simulate brightness temperatures for one given month.

  • orig_data – MPI-ESM data all years merged together

  • freq_of_int (float) – freguency in GHz

  • yyyy (int) – year of interest (format yyyy)

  • mm (int) – month of interest (format mm)

  • inputpath (str) – path where to find the MPI-ESM data chunked in months

  • outputpath (str) – path where files should be written

  • file_begin (str) – how the MPI-ESM data filename starts (before date)

  • file_end (str) – how the MPI-ESM data filename ends (after date)

  • timestep (int, optional) – timestep of data in hours; default is 6

  • write_mask (str, optional) – 'yes' if you want to write to a file, 'no' if you already have written it to a file before; default is ‘yes’

  • write_profiles (str, optional) – 'yes' if you want to compute the property profiles and write them to files, 'no' if you if you have already written them out in outputpath and nothing has changed; default is ‘yes’

  • compute_memls (str, optional) – 'yes' if you want to feed profiles to MEMLS and write the result out, 'no' if you have already written them out and nothing has changed; default is ‘yes’

  • e_bias_fyi (float, optional) – tuning parameter for the first-year ice temperature profile to bias-correct the MEMLS result; default is 0.968

  • e_bias_myi (float, optional) – tuning parameter for the multiyear ice temperature profile to bias-correct the MEMLS result; default is 0.968

  • snow_emis (float, optional) – assign the snow emissivity to 1 or np.nan for melting snow periods; default is 1

  • snow_dens (float, optional) – constant snow density to use; default is 300.


  • ‘period_masks_assim.nc’ (netcdf file) – Masks for ice type and seasons. Written if write_mask is 'yes'. Can be found in outputpath.

  • ’profiles_for_memls_snowno_yyyymm.nc’ (netcdf file) – Snow-free profiles of ice and snow properties. Written if write_profiles is 'yes'. Can be found in outputpath.

  • ’profiles_for_memls_snowyes_yyyymm.nc’ (netcdf file) – Snow-covered profiles of ice and snow properties. Written if write_profiles is 'yes'. Can be found in outputpath.

  • ’TB_assim_yyyymm_f.nc’ (netcdf file) – Ice surface brightness temperatures for cold conditions. Written if compute_memls is 'yes'. Can be found in outputpath.

  • ’TBtot_assim_yyyymm_f.nc’ (netcdf file) – Brightness temperatures at the top of atmosphere. Can be found in outputpath.


f in the filenames is the rounded freq_of_int.


Please remain aware that the results from ARC3O have only been evaluated for the frequency of 6.9 GHz, vertical polarization at the moment! The use for other frequencies and polarizations is at your own risk! Especially, this function will also give out results for H polarization. However, they have not been evaluated yet!

arc3o.satsim_complete_parallel(orig_data, freq_of_int, start_year, end_year, inputpath, outputpath, file_begin, file_end, timestep=6, write_mask='yes', write_profiles='yes', compute_memls='yes', e_bias_fyi=0.968, e_bias_myi=0.968, snow_emis=1, snow_dens=300.0, pool_nb=12)

Compute top-of-atmosphere brightness temperature over a long time period.

This function is the full observation operator and should be used as ARC3O main function.

  • orig_data (xarray.Dataset) – MPI-ESM data all years merged together

  • freq_of_int (float) – freguency in GHz

  • start_year (int) – first year of interest (format yyyy)

  • end_year (int) – last year of interest (format yyyy)

  • inputpath (str) – path where to find the MPI-ESM data chunked in months

  • outputpath (str) – path where files should be written

  • file_begin (str) – how the MPI-ESM data filename starts (before date)

  • file_end (str) – how the MPI-ESM data filename ends (after date)

  • timestep (int, optional) – timestep of data in hours; default is 6

  • write_mask (str, optional) – 'yes' if you want to write to a file, 'no' if you already have written it to a file before; default is ‘yes’

  • write_profiles (str, optional) – 'yes' if you want to compute the property profiles and write them to files, 'no' if you if you have already written them out in outputpath and nothing has changed; default is ‘yes’

  • compute_memls (str, optional) – 'yes' if you want to feed profiles to MEMLS and write the result out, 'no' if you have already written them out and nothing has changed; default is ‘yes’

  • e_bias_fyi (float, optional) – tuning parameter for the first-year ice temperature profile to bias-correct the MEMLS result; default is 0.968

  • e_bias_myi (float, optional) – tuning parameter for the multiyear ice temperature profile to bias-correct the MEMLS result; default is 0.968

  • snow_emis (float, optional) – assign the snow emissivity to 1 or np.nan for melting snow periods; default is 1

  • snow_dens (float, optional) – constant snow density to use; default is 300.

  • pool_nb (int, optional) – number of parallel pool workers to compute several months parallelly, default is 12


  • ‘period_masks_assim.nc’ (netcdf file) – Masks for ice type and seasons. Written if write_mask is 'yes'. Can be found in outputpath.

  • ’profiles_for_memls_snowno_yyyymm.nc’ (netcdf files) – Chunked by months. Snow-free profiles of ice and snow properties. Written if write_profiles is 'yes'. Can be found in outputpath.

  • ’profiles_for_memls_snowyes_yyyymm.nc’ (netcdf files) – Chunked by months. Snow-covered profiles of ice and snow properties. Written if write_profiles is 'yes'. Can be found in outputpath.

  • ’TB_assim_yyyymm_f.nc’ (netcdf files) – Chunked by months. Ice surface brightness temperatures for cold conditions. Written if write_profiles is 'yes'. Can be found in outputpath.

  • ’TBtot_assim_yyyymm_f.nc’ (netcdf files) – Chunked by months. Brightness temperatures at the top of atmosphere. Can be found in outputpath.


f in the filenames is the rounded freq_of_int.


Please remain aware that the results from ARC3O have only been evaluated for the frequency of 6.9 GHz, vertical polarization at the moment! The use for other frequencies and polarizations is at your own risk! Especially, this function will also give out results for H polarization. However, they have not been evaluated yet!


arc3o.core_functions.TB_tot(input_data, info_ds, memls_output, freq, snow_emis, surf_temp)

Compute the brightness temperature at top of the atmosphere

This function computes the brightness temperature at top of the atmosphere.

  • input_data (xarray.Dataset) – MPI-ESM data for period of interest (yyyymm)

  • info_ds (xarray.Dataset) – dataset of mask for seasons and ice types for period of interest (yyyymm)

  • memls_output (xarray.Dataset) – dataset with MEMLS output

  • freq (float) – freguency in GHz

  • snow_emis (float) – assign the snow emissivity to 1 or np.nan for melting snow periods

  • surf_temp (xarray.DataArray) – snow surface temperature to use for the brightness temperature if snow emissivity is 1


ds – dataset containing brightness temperatures at both polarizations at top of the atmosphere in K

Return type




Please remain aware that the results from ARC3O have only been evaluated for the frequency of 6.9 GHz, vertical polarization at the moment! The use for other frequencies and polarizations is at your own risk! Especially, this function will also give out results for H polarization. However, they have not been evaluated yet!

arc3o.core_functions.amsr(V, W, L, Ta, Ts, TBV_ice, TBH_ice, e_icev, e_iceh, c_ice, freq, slm, mpf)

Add the atmospheric and oceanic contribution to the ice surface brightness temperature.

This function adds the atmospheric and oceanic contribution to the brightness temperature to the ice surface brightness temperature, resulting in a brightness temperature for the top of the atmosphere. This function is based on equations given in [Wentz & Meissner, 2000] and is tailored to AMSR2 frequencies. It was extended by C. Burgard to include melt ponds for the use in ARC3O.


  • TBH (xarray.DataArray) – brightness temperature, horizontal polarization, at top of the atmosphere in K

  • TBV (xarray.DataArray) – brightness temperature, vertical polarization, at top of the atmosphere in K

arc3o.core_functions.comp_F(m1, m2, W, pol)

Compute the empirical term for any residual non-linear wind variations

This function is necessary for the atmospheric and ocean contribution in amsr(). It computes the empirical term for any residual non-linear wind variations. It is based on Eq. 60 of [Wentz & Meissner, 2000]. Data for 6.9 GHz was not available so we use the same values as for 10.7 GHz

  • m1 (xarray.DataArray) – coefficients given by [Wentz & Meissner, 2000]_

  • m2 (xarray.DataArray) – coefficients given by [Wentz & Meissner, 2000]_

  • W (xarray.DataArray) – wind speed in m/s

  • pol (str) – 'V' for vertical polarization, 'H' for horizontal polarization


F – empirical term for any residual non-linear wind variations

Return type


arc3o.core_functions.compute_TBVice(info_ds, TB, pol, snow_emis, surf_temp)

Produce ice surface brightness temperature for all seasons.

This function combines ice surface brightness temperatures computed through MEMLS (i.e. for cold conditions) with ice surface brightness temperatures from other seasons.

  • info_ds (xarray.Dataset) – dataset containing masks about seasons and ice types

  • TB (xarray.DataArray) – array of brightness temperatures in one polarization computed by MEMLS

  • pol (str) – 'V' for vertical polarization, 'H' for horizontal polarization

  • snow_emis (float) – assign the snow emissivity to 1 or np.nan for melting snow periods

  • surf_temp (xarray.DataArray) – snow surface temperature to use for the brightness temperature if snow emissivity is 1


TBice – array of ice surface brightness temperature in the given polarization for all seasons

Return type




Please remain aware that the results from ARC3O have only been evaluated for the frequency of 6.9 GHz, vertical polarization at the moment! The use for other frequencies and polarizations is at your own risk! Especially, this function will also give out results for H polarization. However, they have not been evaluated yet!

arc3o.core_functions.compute_emisV(info_ds, eice, pol, snow_emis)

Produce emissivities for all seasons.

This function combines ice surface emissivities computed through MEMLS (i.e. for cold conditions) with ice surface emissivities from other seasons.

  • info_ds (xarray.Dataset) – dataset containing masks about seasons and ice types

  • eice (xarray.DataArray) – array of emissivity in one polarization computed by MEMLS

  • pol (str) – 'V' for vertical polarization, 'H' for horizontal polarization

  • snow_emis (float) – assign the snow emissivity to 1 or np.nan for melting snow periods


e_ice – array of ice emissivities in the given polarization

Return type




Please remain aware that the results from ARC3O have only been evaluated for the frequency of 6.9 GHz, vertical polarization at the moment! The use for other frequencies and polarizations is at your own risk! Especially, this function will also give out results for H polarization. However, they have not been evaluated yet!

arc3o.core_functions.compute_parallel(start_year, end_year, freq_of_int, e_bias_fyi, e_bias_myi, snow_emis, snow_dens, inputpath, outputpath, file_begin, file_end, info_ds, write_profiles, compute_memls, pool_nb)

Parallelize the brightness temperature simulation.

This function parallelizes the brightness temperature simulation for the different months of a given year.

  • start_year (int) – first year of interest (format yyyy)

  • end_year (int) – last year of interest (format yyyy)

  • freq_of_int (float) – freguency in GHz

  • e_bias_fyi (float) – tuning parameter for the first-year ice temperature profile to influence the MEMLS result

  • e_bias_myi (float) – tuning parameter for the multiyear ice temperature profile to influence the MEMLS result

  • snow_emis – assign the snow emissivity to 1 or np.nan for melting snow periods

  • snow_dens (float) – constant snow density to use

  • inputpath (str) – path where to find the MPI-ESM data chunked in month

  • outputpath (str) – path where files should be written

  • file_begin (str) – how the MPI-ESM data filename starts (before date)

  • file_end (str) – how the MPI-ESM data filename ends (after date)

  • info_ds (xarray.Dataset) – dataset of mask for seasons and ice types

  • write_profiles (str) – 'yes' if you want to compute the property profiles and write them to files, 'no' if you if you have already written them out in outputpath and nothing has changed

  • compute_memls (str) – 'yes' if you want to feed profiles to MEMLS and write the result out, 'no' if you have already written them out and nothing has changed

  • pool_nb (int, optional) – number of parallel pool workers to compute several months parallelly


  • ‘profiles_for_memls_snowno_yyyymm.nc’ (netcdf files) – Chunked by months. Snow-free profiles of ice and snow properties. Written if write_profiles is 'yes'. Can be found in outputpath.

  • ’profiles_for_memls_snowyes_yyyymm.nc’ (netcdf files) – Chunked by months. Snow-covered profiles of ice and snow properties. Written if write_profiles is 'yes'. Can be found in outputpath.

  • ’TB_assim_yyyymm_f.nc’ (netcdf files) – Chunked by months. Ice surface brightness temperatures for cold conditions. Written if write_profiles is 'yes'. Can be found in outputpath.

  • ’TBtot_assim_yyyymm_f.nc’ (netcdf files) – Chunked by months. Brightness temperatures at the top of atmosphere. Can be found in outputpath.


f in the filenames is the rounded freq_of_int.


Please remain aware that the results from ARC3O have only been evaluated for the frequency of 6.9 GHz, vertical polarization at the moment! The use for other frequencies and polarizations is at your own risk! Especially, this function will also give out results for H polarization. However, they have not been evaluated yet!

arc3o.core_functions.memls_module_general(yy, freq_of_int, profiles_yes, profiles_no, snifrac, barefrac, outputpath, compute_memls)

Combine the brightness temperatures of bare and snow-covered ice

This function wraps around MEMLS to combine the brightness temperatures of bare and snow-covered ice.

  • yy (int) – actually stands for yyyymm, defines the year and month we are looking at

  • freq_of_int (float) – frequency in GHz

  • profiles_yes (xarray.Dataset) – Dataset containing property profiles for snow-covered ice

  • profiles_no (xarray.Dataset) – Dataset containing property profiles for bare ice

  • snifrac (xarray.DataArray) – snow fraction given by MPI-ESM data, already month of interest selected

  • barefrac (xarray.DataArray) – bare ice fraction given by MPI-ESM data, already month of interest selected

  • outputpath (str) – path where you want the file to be written

  • compute_memls (str) – 'yes' if you want to feed profiles to MEMLS and write the result out, 'no' if you do not want to run MEMLS again and use previous output


  • ds1 (xarray.Dataset) – Dataset containing the weighted ice brightness temperatures and emissivities (TBH, TBV, eh, ev).

  • ’TB_assim_yyyymm_f.nc’ (netcdf files) – Chunked by months. Ice surface brightness temperatures for cold conditions. Written if write_profiles is 'yes'. Can be found in outputpath.


f in the filename is the rounded value of freq_of_int.


Please remain aware that the results from ARC3O have only been evaluated for the frequency of 6.9 GHz, vertical polarization at the moment! The use for other frequencies and polarizations is at your own risk! Especially, this function will also give out results for H polarization. However, they have not been evaluated yet!

arc3o.core_functions.new_outputpath(log, outputpath, existing)

Create new folders to organize experiments

This function helps to organize different experiments

  • log (str) – 'yes' if you are starting a new experiment and want a new folder for it, 'no' if you want to continue an experiment and want to work in an existing folder

  • outputpath (str) – path where you want the folder to be/the folder is

  • existing (str) – if your folder exists already, just write the name here, if not you can write 'default'


new_dir – prints the directory you are working in now, if new it will have created the directory

Return type


arc3o.core_functions.prep_mask(input_data, write_mask, outputpath, timestep)

Prepare or read out the mask for the seasons and ice types This function prepares or reads out the mask for the seasons and ice types

  • input_data (xarray.Dataset) – the MPI-ESM data over the whole time period of interest

  • write_mask (str) – 'yes' if you want to write to a file, 'no' if you already have written it to a file before

  • outputpath (str) – path where you want the file to be written

  • timestep (int) – timestep of data in hours


  • info_ds (xarray.Dataset) – dataset with masks for seasons and ice types

  • ’period_masks_assim.nc’ (netcdf file) – File containing info_ds in outputpath. Written if write_mask is 'yes'. Can be found in outputpath.

arc3o.core_functions.prep_prof(input_data, write_profiles, info_ds, outputpath, yy, e_bias_fyi, e_bias_myi, snow_dens)

Prepare or read out the property profiles for use in MEMLS

This function prepares or reads out the property profiles for use in MEMLS.

  • input_data (xarray.Dataset) – the MPI-ESM data over the whole time period of interest

  • write_profiles (str) – 'yes' if you want to write to a file, 'no' if you already have written it to a file in outputpaht before

  • info_ds (xarray.Dataset) – dataset with masks for seasons and ice types over whole time period of interest

  • outputpath (str) – path where you want the file to be written

  • yy (int) – actually stands for yyyymm, defines the year and month we are looking at

  • e_bias_fyi (float) – tuning parameters for the first-year ice temperature profile to influence the MEMLS result

  • e_bias_myi (float) – tuning parameters for the multiyear ice temperature profile to influence the MEMLS result

  • snow_dens (float) – snow density (constant)


  • profiles1 (xarray.Dataset) – profiles assuming snow-covered ice

  • profiles2 (xarray.Dataset) – profiles assuming bare ice

  • ’profiles_for_memls_snowno_yyyymm.nc’ (netcdf file) – Snow-free profiles of ice and snow properties. Written if write_profiles is 'yes'. Can be found in outputpath.

  • ’profiles_for_memls_snowyes_yyyymm.nc’ (netcdf file) – Snow-covered profiles of ice and snow properties. Written if write_profiles is 'yes'. Can be found in outputpath.


This function transforms the date format given by MPI-ESM into a proper date format for xarray


input_data (xarray.Dataset) – the MPI-ESM xarray.Dataset with the original date format


input_data – the MPI-ESM xarray.Dataset with the new date format

Return type


arc3o.core_functions.run_memls_2D(profiles, freq)


This function calls MEMLS for multi-dimensional files.

  • profiles (xarray.Dataset) – either the snow covered or bare ice property profiles

  • freq (float) – frequency in GHz


ds – Dataset containing TBH, TBV, emissivity H, emissivity V

Return type


arc3o.core_functions.satsim_complete_1month(orig_data, freq_of_int, yyyy, mm, inputpath, outputpath, file_begin, file_end, timestep=6, write_mask='yes', write_profiles='yes', compute_memls='yes', e_bias_fyi=0.968, e_bias_myi=0.968, snow_emis=1, snow_dens=300.0)

Compute top-of-atmosphere brightness temperature for one single month.

This function is a subset of the full observation operator and should be used as ARC3O main function if you only want to simulate brightness temperatures for one given month.

  • orig_data – MPI-ESM data all years merged together

  • freq_of_int (float) – freguency in GHz

  • yyyy (int) – year of interest (format yyyy)

  • mm (int) – month of interest (format mm)

  • inputpath (str) – path where to find the MPI-ESM data chunked in months

  • outputpath (str) – path where files should be written

  • file_begin (str) – how the MPI-ESM data filename starts (before date)

  • file_end (str) – how the MPI-ESM data filename ends (after date)

  • timestep (int, optional) – timestep of data in hours; default is 6

  • write_mask (str, optional) – 'yes' if you want to write to a file, 'no' if you already have written it to a file before; default is ‘yes’

  • write_profiles (str, optional) – 'yes' if you want to compute the property profiles and write them to files, 'no' if you if you have already written them out in outputpath and nothing has changed; default is ‘yes’

  • compute_memls (str, optional) – 'yes' if you want to feed profiles to MEMLS and write the result out, 'no' if you have already written them out and nothing has changed; default is ‘yes’

  • e_bias_fyi (float, optional) – tuning parameter for the first-year ice temperature profile to bias-correct the MEMLS result; default is 0.968

  • e_bias_myi (float, optional) – tuning parameter for the multiyear ice temperature profile to bias-correct the MEMLS result; default is 0.968

  • snow_emis (float, optional) – assign the snow emissivity to 1 or np.nan for melting snow periods; default is 1

  • snow_dens (float, optional) – constant snow density to use; default is 300.


  • ‘period_masks_assim.nc’ (netcdf file) – Masks for ice type and seasons. Written if write_mask is 'yes'. Can be found in outputpath.

  • ’profiles_for_memls_snowno_yyyymm.nc’ (netcdf file) – Snow-free profiles of ice and snow properties. Written if write_profiles is 'yes'. Can be found in outputpath.

  • ’profiles_for_memls_snowyes_yyyymm.nc’ (netcdf file) – Snow-covered profiles of ice and snow properties. Written if write_profiles is 'yes'. Can be found in outputpath.

  • ’TB_assim_yyyymm_f.nc’ (netcdf file) – Ice surface brightness temperatures for cold conditions. Written if compute_memls is 'yes'. Can be found in outputpath.

  • ’TBtot_assim_yyyymm_f.nc’ (netcdf file) – Brightness temperatures at the top of atmosphere. Can be found in outputpath.


f in the filenames is the rounded freq_of_int.


Please remain aware that the results from ARC3O have only been evaluated for the frequency of 6.9 GHz, vertical polarization at the moment! The use for other frequencies and polarizations is at your own risk! Especially, this function will also give out results for H polarization. However, they have not been evaluated yet!

arc3o.core_functions.satsim_complete_parallel(orig_data, freq_of_int, start_year, end_year, inputpath, outputpath, file_begin, file_end, timestep=6, write_mask='yes', write_profiles='yes', compute_memls='yes', e_bias_fyi=0.968, e_bias_myi=0.968, snow_emis=1, snow_dens=300.0, pool_nb=12)

Compute top-of-atmosphere brightness temperature over a long time period.

This function is the full observation operator and should be used as ARC3O main function.

  • orig_data (xarray.Dataset) – MPI-ESM data all years merged together

  • freq_of_int (float) – freguency in GHz

  • start_year (int) – first year of interest (format yyyy)

  • end_year (int) – last year of interest (format yyyy)

  • inputpath (str) – path where to find the MPI-ESM data chunked in months

  • outputpath (str) – path where files should be written

  • file_begin (str) – how the MPI-ESM data filename starts (before date)

  • file_end (str) – how the MPI-ESM data filename ends (after date)

  • timestep (int, optional) – timestep of data in hours; default is 6

  • write_mask (str, optional) – 'yes' if you want to write to a file, 'no' if you already have written it to a file before; default is ‘yes’

  • write_profiles (str, optional) – 'yes' if you want to compute the property profiles and write them to files, 'no' if you if you have already written them out in outputpath and nothing has changed; default is ‘yes’

  • compute_memls (str, optional) – 'yes' if you want to feed profiles to MEMLS and write the result out, 'no' if you have already written them out and nothing has changed; default is ‘yes’

  • e_bias_fyi (float, optional) – tuning parameter for the first-year ice temperature profile to bias-correct the MEMLS result; default is 0.968

  • e_bias_myi (float, optional) – tuning parameter for the multiyear ice temperature profile to bias-correct the MEMLS result; default is 0.968

  • snow_emis (float, optional) – assign the snow emissivity to 1 or np.nan for melting snow periods; default is 1

  • snow_dens (float, optional) – constant snow density to use; default is 300.

  • pool_nb (int, optional) – number of parallel pool workers to compute several months parallelly, default is 12


  • ‘period_masks_assim.nc’ (netcdf file) – Masks for ice type and seasons. Written if write_mask is 'yes'. Can be found in outputpath.

  • ’profiles_for_memls_snowno_yyyymm.nc’ (netcdf files) – Chunked by months. Snow-free profiles of ice and snow properties. Written if write_profiles is 'yes'. Can be found in outputpath.

  • ’profiles_for_memls_snowyes_yyyymm.nc’ (netcdf files) – Chunked by months. Snow-covered profiles of ice and snow properties. Written if write_profiles is 'yes'. Can be found in outputpath.

  • ’TB_assim_yyyymm_f.nc’ (netcdf files) – Chunked by months. Ice surface brightness temperatures for cold conditions. Written if write_profiles is 'yes'. Can be found in outputpath.

  • ’TBtot_assim_yyyymm_f.nc’ (netcdf files) – Chunked by months. Brightness temperatures at the top of atmosphere. Can be found in outputpath.


f in the filenames is the rounded freq_of_int.


Please remain aware that the results from ARC3O have only been evaluated for the frequency of 6.9 GHz, vertical polarization at the moment! The use for other frequencies and polarizations is at your own risk! Especially, this function will also give out results for H polarization. However, they have not been evaluated yet!

arc3o.core_functions.satsim_loop(file, yy, mm, info_ds, freq_of_int, e_bias_fyi, e_bias_myi, outputpath, write_profiles, compute_memls, snow_emis, snow_dens)

Simulate the brightness temperature of an Arctic Ocean surface.

This function combines all necessary functions for the brightness temperature simulation.

  • file (str) – path to file containing MPI-ESM data

  • yy (int) – year (format yyyy)

  • mm (int) – month (format mm)

  • info_ds (xarray.Dataset) – dataset of mask for seasons and ice types

  • freq_of_int (float) – freguency in GHz

  • e_bias_fyi (float) – tuning parameter for the first-year ice temperature profile to influence the MEMLS result

  • e_bias_myi (float) – tuning parameter for the multiyear ice temperature profile to influence the MEMLS result

  • outputpath (str) – path where files should be written

  • write_profiles (str) – 'yes' if you want to write to a file, 'no' if you already have written it to a file in outputpath before

  • compute_memls (str) – 'yes' if you want to feed profiles to MEMLS and write the result out, 'no' if you do not want to run MEMLS again and use previous output

  • snow_emis (float) – assign the snow emissivity to 1 or np.nan for melting snow periods

  • snow_dens (float) – constant snow density to use


  • ds_TB (xarray.Dataset) – brightness temperatures at both polarizations at top of the atmosphere in K

  • ’profiles_for_memls_snowno_yyyymm.nc’ (netcdf files) – Chunked by months. Snow-free profiles of ice and snow properties. Written if write_profiles is 'yes'. Can be found in outputpath.

  • ’profiles_for_memls_snowyes_yyyymm.nc’ (netcdf files) – Chunked by months. Snow-covered profiles of ice and snow properties. Written if write_profiles is 'yes'. Can be found in outputpath.

  • ’TB_assim_yyyymm_f.nc’ (netcdf files) – Chunked by months. Ice surface brightness temperatures for cold conditions. Written if write_profiles is 'yes'. Can be found in outputpath.

  • ’TBtot_assim_yyyymm_f.nc’ (netcdf files) – Chunked by months. Brightness temperatures at the top of atmosphere. Can be found in outputpath.


f in the filenames is the rounded freq_of_int.


Please remain aware that the results from ARC3O have only been evaluated for the frequency of 6.9 GHz, vertical polarization at the moment! The use for other frequencies and polarizations is at your own risk! Especially, this function will also give out results for H polarization. However, they have not been evaluated yet!


arc3o.mask_functions.define_periods(sit, snow, tsi, timestep)

Build masks for different seasons.

This function combines all season masking functions to have an overall season overview.


period_masks – mask for all seasons, where 0 = open water, 1 = cold conditions, 2 = snow melt, 3 = bare ice in summer

Return type


arc3o.mask_functions.ice_type_wholeArctic(sit, timestep)

Prepare mask for ice types

This function defines the mask for ice types

  • sit (xarray.DataArray) – sea-ice thickness in m

  • timestep (integer) – timestep of your data in h


ice_type – mask defining the different ice types, where: 1 = open water OW, 2 = first-year ice FYI, 3 = multiyear ice MYI

Return type



Filters warm conditions months


month (int or np.array or xarray.DataArray) – month of the year, January is 1, December is 12


same type as ‘month’True if month is between April (4) and September (9), False if month is between October (10) and March (3)

Return type

int or np.array or xarray.DataArray

arc3o.mask_functions.snow_period_masks(tsi, snow)

Identify snow growth and snow melt.

This function defines when there is snow growth and snow melt


  • snowdown_mask (xarray.DataArray) – mask defining if the snow depth decreased since the last timestep

  • melt_mask (xarray.DataArray) – mask defining grid cells where snow decreased and it was warm enough to be melt

arc3o.mask_functions.summer_bareice_mask(sit, snow, timestep)

Identify areas of bare ice in summer.

This function defines areas of bare ice in summer.


bareice_summer_mask – mask defining if the grid cells consist of bare ice in summer

Return type




Compute normality of sea water or brine

This function computes the normality of sea water or brine. It is Eq. 20 in [Ulaby et al., 1986].

  • Ssw (np.array or xarray.DataArray) – salinity of brine or sea water in g/kg

  • freq (float) – frequency in GHz


N – normality of sea water or brine

Return type

np.array or xarray.DataArray


This function is part of the original MEMLS developed by the Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern, Switzerland. A description of that model version can be found in [Wiesmann & Matzler, 1998] and [Wiesmann & Matzler, 1999]. It was translated to Python and adapted for multi-dimensional input by C. Burgard to be used in ARC3O.

arc3o.memls_functions_2D.abscoeff(epsi, epsii, Ti, freq)

Compute absorption coefficient.

This function computes the absorption coefficient from the dielectric properties. Formulae from [Ulaby et al., 1986].


gai – absorption coefficient

Return type

np.array or xarray.DataArray


This function is part of the original MEMLS developed by the Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern, Switzerland. A description of that model version can be found in [Wiesmann & Matzler, 1998] and [Wiesmann & Matzler, 1999]. It was translated to Python and adapted for multi-dimensional input by C. Burgard to be used in ARC3O.

arc3o.memls_functions_2D.absorp2f(gbih, gbiv, gs6, ga2i, epsi, epsii, roi, Ti, pci, freq, Wi, gai)

Compute the absorption and scattering coefficient from structural parameters

This function computes the absorption and scattering coefficient from structural parameters.


  • gbih (xarray.DataArray) – 2-flux scattering coefficient at h pol

  • gbiv (xarray.DataArray) – 2-flux scattering coefficient at v pol

  • gs6 (xarray.DataArray) – 6-flux scattering coefficient

  • ga2i (xarray.DataArray) – 2-flux absorption coefficient


This function was introduced into the MEMLS code by R.T. Tonboe. It was translated to Python and adapted for multi-dimensional input by C. Burgard to be used in ARC3O.

arc3o.memls_functions_2D.add_matrix_dim(A, name_new_dim)

Add a dummy matrix_dim to enable matrix multiplication

This function is more technical, adds a dummy matrix_dim to enable matrix multiplication


A (xarray.DataArray) – matrix to be changed


res – changed matrix

Return type



This function was introduced by C. Burgard to adapt the python functions to xarray.DataArray parameters and output.

arc3o.memls_functions_2D.append_laydim_begin(xrda, const)

Append a constant at the beginning of the dimension layer_nb

This function has practical reasons, it appends a constant at the beginning of a dimension, here layer_nb.

  • xrda (xarray.DataArray) – variable where it has to be appended

  • const (float) – constant to be appended at the beginning


xrda_app – longer array

Return type



This function was introduced by C. Burgard to adapt the python functions to xarray.DataArray parameters and output.

arc3o.memls_functions_2D.append_laydim_end(xrda, const)

Append a constant at the end of the dimension layer_nb

This function has practical reasons, it appends a constant at the end of a dimension, here layer_nb

  • xrda (xarray.DataArray) – variable where it has to be appended

  • const (float) – constant to be appended at the end


xrda_app – longer array

Return type



This function was introduced by C. Burgard to adapt the python functions to xarray.DataArray parameters and output.

arc3o.memls_functions_2D.build_xarray(data, temp)

Transform np.array into xarray.DataArray

This function is more technical, transforms np.array into xarray.DataArray.

  • data (np.array) – data to be transformed

  • temp (xarray.DataArray) – other xarray.DataArray that has the wished output dimensions


res – resulting xarray.DataArray of same dimensions as temp

Return type



This function was introduced by C. Burgard to adapt the python functions to xarray.DataArray parameters and output.

arc3o.memls_functions_2D.build_xarray_matrix2D(data, temp)

Transform a np.array into xarray.DataArray over the two dimensions layer_nb and matrix_dim for matrix operations

This function is more technical, transforms a np.array into xarray.DataArray over the two dimensions layer_nb and matrix_dim for matrix operations.

  • data (np.array) – data to be transformed

  • temp (xarray.DataArray) – other xarray.DataArray that has the wished dimensions


test – resulting xarray with two times dimension layer_nb for matrix operations

Return type



This function was introduced by C. Burgard to adapt the python functions to xarray.DataArray parameters and output.


Compute the conductivity of brine

This function computes the conductivity of brine. It is Eq. 7 in [Stogryn & Desargant, 1985].


T (np.array or xarray.DataArray) – ice temperature in K or °C


condbrine – conductivity of brine

Return type

np.array or xarray.DataArray


This function is part of the original MEMLS developed by the Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern, Switzerland. A description of that model version can be found in [Wiesmann & Matzler, 1998] and [Wiesmann & Matzler, 1999]. It was translated to Python and adapted for multi-dimensional input by C. Burgard to be used in ARC3O.

arc3o.memls_functions_2D.ebrine(T, freq)

Compute brine permittivity

This function computes the brine permittivity, the fit is valid up to -25°C. It is Eq. 1 in [Stogryn & Desargant, 1985].


  • ebr.real (np.array or xarray.DataArray) – real part of brine permittivity

  • ebr.imag (np.array or xarray.DataArray) – imaginary part of brine permittivity


This function was introduced into the MEMLS code by R.T. Tonboe. It was translated to Python and adapted for multi-dimensional input by C. Burgard to be used in ARC3O.

arc3o.memls_functions_2D.eice_s2p(e1, e2, v)

Compute effective dielectric constant of medium consisting of e1 and e2

This function computes the effective dielectric constant of medium consisting of e1 and e2. It is based on the improved born approximation by [Matzler, 1998a] and the Polder/VanSanten mixing formulae for spherical inclusions.


eeff – effective dielectric constant of medium consisting of e1 and e2

Return type

np.array or xarray.DataArray


This function was introduced into the MEMLS code by R.T. Tonboe. It was translated to Python and adapted for multi-dimensional input by C. Burgard to be used in ARC3O.

arc3o.memls_functions_2D.epice(T, freq)

Compute the dielectric constant of pure ice.

This function computes the dielectric constant of pure ice, based on [Matzler, 1998b].


epui – dielectric constant of pure ice

Return type

np.array or xarray.DataArray


This function is part of the original MEMLS developed by the Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern, Switzerland. A description of that model version can be found in [Wiesmann & Matzler, 1998] and [Wiesmann & Matzler, 1999]. It was translated to Python and adapted for multi-dimensional input by C. Burgard to be used in ARC3O.


Compute static dielectric constant of brine.

This function computes the static dielectric constant of brine. The fit is valid up to -25°C. It is Eq. 10 in [Stogryn & Desargant, 1985].


T (np.array or xarray.DataArray) – ice temperature in K or °C


epsib0 – static dielectric constant of brine

Return type

np.array or xarray.DataArray


This function was introduced into the MEMLS code by R.T. Tonboe. It was translated to Python and adapted for multi-dimensional input by C. Burgard to be used in ARC3O.

arc3o.memls_functions_2D.epsice(Ti, freq)

Compute dielectric permittivity of ice

This function computes the dielectric permittivity of ice, after Hufford, Mitzima and Matzler.


eice – dielectric permittivity of ice

Return type

np.array or xarray.DataArray


This function is part of the original MEMLS developed by the Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern, Switzerland. A description of that model version can be found in [Wiesmann & Matzler, 1998] and [Wiesmann & Matzler, 1999]. It was translated to Python and adapted for multi-dimensional input by C. Burgard to be used in ARC3O.


Compute real part of dielectric permittivity for dry snow

This function computes the real part of dielectric permittivity for dry snow from density.


roi (np.array or xarray.DataArray) – snow density in g/cm3


epsi – real part of dielectric permittivity of dry snow

Return type

np.array or xarray.DataArray


This function is part of the original MEMLS developed by the Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern, Switzerland. A description of that model version can be found in [Wiesmann & Matzler, 1998] and [Wiesmann & Matzler, 1999]. It was translated to Python and adapted for multi-dimensional input by C. Burgard to be used in ARC3O.

arc3o.memls_functions_2D.fresnelc0(tei, epsi)

Compute the fresnel reflection coefficients

This function computes the fresnel reflection coefficients (assuming eps” = 0), layer n+1 is the air above the snowpack


  • sih (xarray.DataArray) – interface reflectivity at h pol

  • siv (xarray.DataArray) – interface reflectivity at v pol


This function is part of the original MEMLS developed by the Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern, Switzerland. A description of that model version can be found in [Wiesmann & Matzler, 1998] and [Wiesmann & Matzler, 1999]. It was translated to Python and adapted for multi-dimensional input by C. Burgard to be used in ARC3O.

arc3o.memls_functions_2D.iborn_s2p(e1, e2, eeff, v, k, pcc)

Compute the scattering coefficient with improved born approximation

This function computes the scattering coefficient of a collection of spherical inclusions with correlation length pcc using improved born approximation (see [Matzler, 1998a]).


ss – 6-flux scattering coefficient for ice

Return type

np.array or xarray.DataArray


This function was introduced into the MEMLS code by R.T. Tonboe. It was translated to Python and adapted for multi-dimensional input by C. Burgard to be used in ARC3O.

arc3o.memls_functions_2D.layer(ri, s_i, ti, Ti, Tgnd, Tsky)

Compute the upwelling brightness temperatures

This function computes the upwelling brightness temperatures, see Eq. 14 in [Wiesmann & Matzler, 1998].


D1 – brightness temperatures at each layer

Return type



This function is part of the original MEMLS developed by the Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern, Switzerland. A description of that model version can be found in [Wiesmann & Matzler, 1998] and [Wiesmann & Matzler, 1999]. It was translated to Python and adapted for multi-dimensional input by C. Burgard to be used in ARC3O.

arc3o.memls_functions_2D.memls_2D_1freq(freq, DI, TI, WI, ROI, PCI, SAL, SITYPE)

Compute the brightness temperature of a lon-lat-time-depth field at a given frequency

This is the main MEMLS function. It computes the brightness temperature of a lon-lat-time-depth field at a given frequency.


  • Tbh (xarray.DataArray) – brightness temperature h-pol

  • Tbv (xarray.DataArray) – brightness temperature v-pol

  • eh (xarray.DataArray) – emissivity h-pol

  • ev (xarray.DataArray) – emissivity v-pol


This function is part of the original MEMLS developed by the Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern, Switzerland. A description of that model version can be found in [Wiesmann & Matzler, 1998] and [Wiesmann & Matzler, 1999]. It was slightly modified to accomodate sea-ice layers by R.T. Tonboe. It was translated to Python, adapted for multi-dimensional input and further extended by C. Burgard to be used in ARC3O.

arc3o.memls_functions_2D.meteo_sc(si, rroi, rTi, rpci, freq, rWi, rgai, gbih, gbiv, gs6, ga2i)

Compute the scattering coefficient of fresh snow

This function computes the scattering coefficient of only partly recrystallized snow, linear combination of iborn, wahl==6 (see sccoeff()).


  • gbih (xarray.DataArray) – 2-flux scattering coefficient at h pol

  • gbiv (xarray.DataArray) – 2-flux scattering coefficient at v pol

  • gs6 (xarray.DataArray) – 6-flux scattering coefficient

  • ga2i (xarray.DataArray) – 2-flux absorption coefficient


This function was introduced into the MEMLS code by R.T. Tonboe. It was translated to Python and adapted for multi-dimensional input by C. Burgard to be used in ARC3O.

arc3o.memls_functions_2D.mixmod(f, Ti, Wi, epsi, epsii)

Compute permittivity for snow wetness above 0

This function computes the permittivity for Wetness > 0 using the physical mixing model Weise 97, after Matzler 1987 (corrected). The water temperature is assumed constant at 273.15 K.


  • epsi (np.array or xarray.DataArray) – real part of dielectric permittivity of wet snow

  • epsii (np.array or xarray.DataArray) – imaginary part of dielectric permittivity of wet snow


This function is part of the original MEMLS developed by the Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern, Switzerland. A description of that model version can be found in [Wiesmann & Matzler, 1998] and [Wiesmann & Matzler, 1999]. It was translated to Python and adapted for multi-dimensional input by C. Burgard to be used in ARC3O.

arc3o.memls_functions_2D.mysie(si, rho, Ti, sal, freq, epsi, epsii)

Compute dielectric constant of ice if it is a mutliyear ice layer

This function computes the dielectric constant of ice if it is a multiyear ice layer. Formulae from [Ulaby et al., 1986].


  • epsi (np.array or xarray.DataArray) – permittivity of ice

  • epsii (np.array or xarray.DataArray) – loss of ice


This function was introduced into the MEMLS code by R.T. Tonboe. It was translated to Python and adapted for multi-dimensional input by C. Burgard to be used in ARC3O.

arc3o.memls_functions_2D.pfadc(teta, di, epsi, gs6)

Compute the effective path length in a layer

This function computes the effective path length in a layer.


  • dei (xarray.DataArray) – effective path length in m

  • tei (xarray.DataArray) – local incidence angle

  • tscat (xarray.DataArray) – tau scattering


This function is part of the original MEMLS developed by the Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern, Switzerland. A description of that model version can be found in [Wiesmann & Matzler, 1998] and [Wiesmann & Matzler, 1999]. It was translated to Python and adapted for multi-dimensional input by C. Burgard to be used in ARC3O.

arc3o.memls_functions_2D.pfadi(tei, di)

Compute effective path length in a layer

This function computes the effective path length in a layer.


dei – effective path length in m

Return type



This function is part of the original MEMLS developed by the Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern, Switzerland. A description of that model version can be found in [Wiesmann & Matzler, 1998] and [Wiesmann & Matzler, 1999]. It was translated to Python and adapted for multi-dimensional input by C. Burgard to be used in ARC3O.

arc3o.memls_functions_2D.polmix(tscat, sih, siv)

Compute the polarization mixing of the interface reflectivities of each layer

This function computes the polarization mixing of the interface reflectivities of each layer (taking into account the first order scattering)


  • sih (xarray.DataArray) – interface reflectivity at h-pol

  • siv (xarray.DataArray) – interface reflectivity at v-pol


This function is part of the original MEMLS developed by the Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern, Switzerland. A description of that model version can be found in [Wiesmann & Matzler, 1998] and [Wiesmann & Matzler, 1999]. It was translated to Python and adapted for multi-dimensional input by C. Burgard to be used in ARC3O.


Compute relaxation time

This function computes the relaxation time, the fit is valid up to -25°C. It is Eq. 12 in [Stogryn & Desargant, 1985].


T (np.array or xarray.DataArray) – ice temperature in K or °C


relax – relaxation time in nanoseconds

Return type

np.array or xarray.DataArray


This function was introduced into the MEMLS code by R.T. Tonboe. It was translated to Python and adapted for multi-dimensional input by C. Burgard to be used in ARC3O.

arc3o.memls_functions_2D.ro2epsd(roi, Ti, freq)

Compute real part of dielectric permittivity for dry snow

This function computes the dielectric permittivity for dry snow from density.


  • epsi (np.array or xarray.DataArray) – real part of dielectric permittivity of dry snow

  • epsii (np.array or xarray.DataArray) – imaginary part of dielectric permittivity of dry snow


This function is part of the original MEMLS developed by the Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern, Switzerland. A description of that model version can be found in [Wiesmann & Matzler, 1998] and [Wiesmann & Matzler, 1999]. It was translated to Python and adapted for multi-dimensional input by C. Burgard to be used in ARC3O.

arc3o.memls_functions_2D.rt(gai, gbi, dei)

Compute the layer reflectivity and transmissivity

This function computes the layer reflectivity and transmissivity.


  • ri (xarray.DataArray) – reflectivity

  • ti (xarray.DataArray) – transmissivity


This function is part of the original MEMLS developed by the Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern, Switzerland. A description of that model version can be found in [Wiesmann & Matzler, 1998] and [Wiesmann & Matzler, 1999]. It was translated to Python and adapted for multi-dimensional input by C. Burgard to be used in ARC3O.

arc3o.memls_functions_2D.sccoeff(roi, Ti, pci, freq, Wi, gai, sccho)

Compute the the scattering coefficient

This function computes the the scattering coefficient from structural parameters. Different algorithms can be chosen, by changing “sccho”


  • gbih (np.array or xarray.DataArray) – 2-flux scattering coefficient at h pol

  • gbiv (np.array or xarray.DataArray) – 2-flux scattering coefficient at v pol

  • gs6 (np.array or xarray.DataArray) – 6-flux scattering coefficient

  • ga2i (np.array or xarray.DataArray) – 2-flux absorption coefficient


This function is part of the original MEMLS developed by the Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern, Switzerland. A description of that model version can be found in [Wiesmann & Matzler, 1998] and [Wiesmann & Matzler, 1999]. It was translated to Python and adapted for multi-dimensional input by C. Burgard to be used in ARC3O.

arc3o.memls_functions_2D.scice(si, gbih, gbiv, gs6, ga2i, Ti, sal, freq, pci)

Compute the ice scattering coefficient from structural parameters

This function computes the scattering coefficient from structural parameters


  • gbih (np.array or xarray.DataArray) – 2-flux scattering coefficient at h pol

  • gbiv (np.array or xarray.DataArray) – 2-flux scattering coefficient at v pol

  • gs6 (np.array or xarray.DataArray) – 6-flux scattering coefficient

  • ga2i (np.array or xarray.DataArray) – 2-flux absorption coefficient


This function was introduced into the MEMLS code by R.T. Tonboe. It was translated to Python and adapted for multi-dimensional input by C. Burgard to be used in ARC3O.

arc3o.memls_functions_2D.scice_my(si, gbih, gbiv, gs6, ga2i, Ti, dens, freq, pci, sal)

Compute the scattering coefficient of multiyear ice from structural parameters

This function computes the scattering coefficient of multiyear ice from structural parameters.


  • gbih (xarray.DataArray) – 2-flux scattering coefficient at h pol

  • gbiv (xarray.DataArray) – 2-flux scattering coefficient at v pol

  • gs6 (xarray.DataArray) – 6-flux scattering coefficient

  • ga2i (xarray.DataArray) – 2-flux absorption coefficient


This function was introduced into the MEMLS code by R.T. Tonboe. It was translated to Python and adapted for multi-dimensional input by C. Burgard to be used in ARC3O.

arc3o.memls_functions_2D.sie(si, sal, Ti, freq, epsi, epsii)

Compute dielectric constant of ice if it is an ice layer

This function computes the dielectric constant of ice if it is a sea-ice layer. Formulae from [Ulaby et al., 1986].


  • epsi (np.array or xarray.DataArray) – permittivity of ice

  • epsii (np.array or xarray.DataArray) – loss of ice


This function was introduced into the MEMLS code by R.T. Tonboe. It was translated to Python and adapted for multi-dimensional input by C. Burgard to be used in ARC3O.

arc3o.memls_functions_2D.tei_ndim(teta, ns)

Append teta at the end of the dimension layer_nb

This function has practical reasons, it appends teta at the end of ns over the dimension layer_nb

  • teta (float) – incidence angle in degrees

  • ns (xarray.DataArray) – real part of the refractive index of the slab


tei_ndim – local incidence angle

Return type



This function was introduced by C. Burgard to adapt the python functions to xarray.DataArray parameters and output.

arc3o.memls_functions_2D.xr_diag(v, k=0)

Create diagonal matrix with values of v on the diagonal

This function is more technical, creates diagonal matrix with values of v on the diagonal

  • v (xarray.DataArray) – xarray with the wished dimensions

  • k (int) – coefficient if diagonal is shifted from middle


res – resulting diagonal matrix

Return type



This function was introduced by C. Burgard to adapt the python functions to xarray.DataArray parameters and output.

arc3o.memls_functions_2D.xr_eye(v, k=0)

Create diagonal matrix with ones on the diagonal

This function is more technical, creates diagonal matrix with ones on the diagonal, gives out an xarray.DataArray.

  • v (xarray.DataArray) – xarray.DataArray with the wished dimensions

  • k (int) – coefficient if you want to shift the ones


test – resulting xarray with two times dimension layer_nb for matrix operations

Return type



This function was introduced by C. Burgard to adapt the python functions to xarray.DataArray parameters and output.


Compute the (multiplicative) inverse of a matrix.

This function is more technical, equivalent of numpy.linalg.inv() for xarray.DataArray


A (xarray.DataArray) – matrix to be inverted


res – inverted matrix

Return type



This function was introduced by C. Burgard to adapt the python functions to xarray.DataArray parameters and output.

arc3o.memls_functions_2D.xr_matmul(A, B, input_dims, output_dims)

Compute matrix multiplication

This function is more technical, matrix multiplication for xarray.DataArray, xarray.dot() gave weird results


asol – result of matrix multiplications

Return type



This function was introduced by C. Burgard to adapt the python functions to xarray.DataArray parameters and output.



Compute brine salinity.

This function computes the brine salinity. It is based on Eq. 39 in [Vant et al., 1978] and Eq. 3.4 and 3.5 in [Notz, 2005].


T (xarray.DataArray) – temperature in K or °C


tot_Sb – Brine Salinity in g/kg

Return type


arc3o.profile_functions.Vb(S, Sbr)

Compute brine volume fraction

This function computes the brine volume fraction. It is based on Eq. 1.5 in [Notz, 2005].


bvf – brine volume fraction (between 0 and 1)

Return type


arc3o.profile_functions.build_corrlen_profile(empty_corrlen_prof, prof_thick, fyi_mask, winter_mask, layer_amount)

Build correlation length profiles.

This function builds correlation length profiles. Based on experiments by R.T. Tonboe, the correlation lengths are defined as follows:

  • First-year ice upper 20 cm: 0.25 mm

  • First-year ice lower 20 cm: 0.35 mm

  • Multiyear ice: 1.5 mm

  • empty_corrlen_prof (xarray.DataArray) – empty xarray with the expected dimensions of the output

  • prof_thick (xarray.DataArray) – thickness profile in m

  • fyi_mask (xarray.DataArray) – mask telling where there is first-year ice

  • winter_mask (xarray.DataArray) – mask telling us which points are in “winter”

  • layer_amount (int) – number of layers the profile should have


corrlen – correlation length over layer_amount in mm

Return type


arc3o.profile_functions.build_density_profile(empty_dens_prof, temperature, salinity, winter_mask, layer_amount, snow_dens)

Build density profiles.

This function builds sea-ice and snow density profiles

  • empty_dens_prof (xarray.DataArray) – empty xarray with the expected dimensions of the output

  • temperature (xarray.DataArray) – temperature profile in K

  • salinity (xarray.DaraArray) – salinity profile in g/kg

  • winter_mask (xarray.DataArray) – mask telling us which points are in “winter”

  • layer_amount (int) – number of layers the profile should have

  • snow_dens (float) – constant snow density we want to assign to the snow (usually 300 or 330 kg/m3)


dens – density profiles over layer_amount taking into account ice and snow

Return type


arc3o.profile_functions.build_salinity_profile(empty_sal_prof, fyi_mask, myi_mask, winter_mask, layer_amount)

Combine FYI and MYI salinity profiles

This function builds salinity profiles according to the ice type, using sal_approx_fy() and sal_approx_my().

  • empty_sal_prof (xarray.DataArray) – empty xarray with the expected dimensions of the output

  • fyi_mask (xarray.DataArray) – mask telling where there is first-year ice

  • myi_mask (xarray.DataArray) – mask telling where there is multiyear ice

  • winter_mask (xarray.DataArray) – mask telling us which points are in “winter”

  • layer_amount (int) – number of layers the profile should have


tot_sal – salinity profiles over layer_amount and for different ice types in g/kg

Return type


arc3o.profile_functions.build_sisn_prof(empty_def_prof, myi_mask, fyi_mask, winter_mask, layer_amount)

Build snow/FYI/MYI information profiles

This function builds layer type profiles (1 = snow, 3 = first-year ice, 4 = multiyear ice)

  • empty_def_prof (xarray.DataArray) – empty xarray with the expected dimensions of the output

  • myi_mask (xarray.DataArray) – mask telling where there is multiyear ice

  • fyi_mask (xarray.DataArray) – mask telling where there is first-year ice

  • winter_mask (xarray.DataArray) – mask telling us which points are in “winter”

  • layer_amount (int) – number of layers the profile should have


sisn – profiles defining layer type, where 1 = snow, 3 = first-year ice, 4 = multiyear ice

Return type


arc3o.profile_functions.build_temp_profile(surf_temp_ice, empty_temp_prof, winter_mask, fyi_mask, myi_mask, layer_amount, snow_opt, snd, sit, e_bias_fyi, e_bias_myi)

Build the temperature profile.

This function builds linear temperature profiles over depth between the snow surface temperature and ice surface temperature and between ice surface temperature and bottom freezing temperature (-1.8°C).

  • surf_temp_ice (xarray.DataArray) – sea-ice (or snow) surface temperature in K

  • empty_temp_prof (xarray.DataArray) – empty xarray with the expected dimensions of the output

  • winter_mask (xarray.DataArray) – mask telling us which points are in “winter”

  • layer_amount (int) – number of layers the profile should have

  • snow_opt (str) – 'yes' if there is snow on top, 'no' if there is no snow on top

  • snd (xarray.DataArray) – snow thickness in m

  • sit (xarray.DataArray) – sea-ice thickness in m

  • e_bias_fyi (xarray.DataArray) – tuning parameter to correct for MEMLS bias in emissivity for first-year ice

  • e_bias_myi (xarray.DataArray) – tuning parameter to correct for MEMLS bias in emissivity for multiyear ice


shorter_prof – tuned temperature profile over layer_amount in K

Return type



All input data arrays must be broadcastable towards each other!

arc3o.profile_functions.build_thickness_profile(sit, snd, empty_thick_prof, winter_mask, layer_amount)

Build the thickness profile.

This function builds thickness profiles with equidistant layers over total ice thickness.

  • sit (xarray.DataArray) – sea-ice thickness in m

  • snd (xarray.DataArray) – snow thickness in m

  • empty_thick_prof (xarray.DataArray) – empty xarray with the expected dimensions of the output

  • winter_mask (xarray.DataArray) – mask telling us which points are in “winter”

  • layer_amount (int) – number of layers the profile should have


empty_thick_prof – thickness profile over layer_amount in m

Return type


arc3o.profile_functions.build_wetness_profile(empty_wet_prof, winter_mask)

Build wetness profiles

This function builds wetness profiles currently everything is set to 0 as the ice brine volume fraction is computed in Vb().

  • empty_wet_prof (xarray.DataArray) – empty xarray with the expected dimensions of the output

  • winter_mask (xarray.DataArray) – mask telling us which points are in “winter”


wet – wetness profiles (everything set to zero)

Return type


arc3o.profile_functions.compute_ice_snow_int_temp(sit, snd, tsi)

Compute the snow/ice interface temperature.

This function computes the temperature at the snow-ice interface, inspired from [Semtner, 1976].


T_i – temperature at snow-ice interface in K

Return type


arc3o.profile_functions.create_profiles(surf_temp_ice, sit, snow, layer_amount, info_ds, e_bias_fyi, e_bias_myi, snow_dens)

Combine all profile informations.

This is the main profile function. It summarizes all profiles to write them out, for both snow-covered and snow-free profiles.

  • surf_temp_ice (xarray.DataArray) – sea ice (or snow) surface temperature

  • sit (xarray.DataArray) – sea-ice thickness in m

  • snow (xarray.DataArray) – snow thickness in m

  • layer_amount (int) – number of layers the profile should have

  • info_ds (xarray.Dataset) – dataset containing the mask information

  • e_bias_fyi (float) – tuning coefficient for first-year ice

  • e_bias_myi (float) – tuning coefficient for multiyear ice

  • snow_dens (float) – snow density (constant)


  • profiles1 (xarray.Dataset) – profiles of all properties if covered by snow

  • profiles2 (xarray.Dataset) – profiles of all properties if bare ice

arc3o.profile_functions.icerho(T, S)

Compute sea-ice density.

This function computes the sea-ice density. It is based on [Pounder, 1965] and Eq. 3.8 in [Notz, 2005].


rho_tot – sea-ice density in kg/m3

Return type



Build salinity profile f(depth) for first-year ice.

This function builds a salinity profile as a function of depth for first-year ice. It is based on Eq. 17 in [Griewank & Notz, 2015].


norm_z (xarray.DataArray) – normalized depth, 1 is bottom and 0 is top


sal_fy – salinity profile for first-year ice in g/kg

Return type



Build salinity profile f(depth) for multiyear ice.

This function builds a salinity profile as a function of depth for multiyear ice. It is based on Eq. 18 in [Griewank & Notz, 2015].


norm_z (xarray.DataArray) – normalized depth, 1 is bottom and 0 is top


sal_my – salinity profile for multiyear ice in g/kg

Return type
